Monday, October 20, 2008

The beauty of sign language

Been too busy again these days :S. so much for not joining SCMC so i can have more time to study. My current commitments ive taken up saps about the same amount of time compared to when i took up the directorial role (i think. at least for now.) Well, although im very busy, i made a point to blog down this when i get the time to.

So it was on another busy saturday when i sat on the mrt. Thats when i saw a group of people communicating actively, their faces and body language tells that they were very much enjoying their conversation. No one else could understand them, no one else could hear them.

I observed curiously at their form of communication. Each had to pay attention to what the other was communicating about. They had to give their full attention and "listen". There was no sound amonst them but i feel it was a great conversation. So much more was communicated across.

How many times have we taken human relationships and communication for granted? Do we really pay attention to communicating with people? Are our minds and ears really actively open to what others are saying?

Indeed, i have learnt alot just through that small incident. Thats why i decided to write this down, and remind myself - Always listen intentively to what others are saying. Give them attention and respect.....and you will get them in return.

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