Wednesday, July 15, 2009

that jazzy feeling

Ahh...chilling out with some good ol' jazz music in the silence of the night, drinking some hot chocolate and reading some research papers of my interest.

this is life in its beauty. and happiness in its simplicity.

NDU reservist. rag. research. studies. future planning.

still have to figure out some paths in my life as i lay out my possible plans. hmm. will need more time to think about it.

for my dreams. for my passion.

let nothing stand in my way! :)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

As the cogwheels turn...

As the cogwheels turn, the fate of the subject unveils itself.

My life right now is amidst playing roles of gears and cogwheels in multiple events - SCAMP, Rag, Flag.

It definitely feels different to be part of a gear being turned compared to my previous roles of the machinist in command turning the gears in motion, but in doing so i have learnt many things in the responsibilities of both roles throughout the years in NUS.

The Gear
Gears differ in sizes and importance in the system. You can be a pheripheral gear that can be easily replaced or you can be a gear that is the epicentre of activities. It is up to oneself to prove that one can be up for the task as an important gear. And to do that, you have to fulfill your role efficiently and responsibly, even if you have to start off as the smallest and most unimportant of gears. If u cannot even perform the simplest of tasks, then you cannot be capable of more difficult ones. As a gear you are part of a larger mechanism, so do prepare to be flexible and be maneuvred around the system as the machinist reorganises the system.

Trust is a very important and probably the most difficult concept in any framework. Gears must trust each other that they can each perform their tasks and work together efficiently while fulfilling their own responsibilities. Gears must trust that the machinist knows what he is doing, vice versa.

The Machinist
The most important role in any operating system is the machinist. He who defines the motion of the system; he who defines the efficiency of the system; he who defines the purpose of the system.

One of the most important role of the machinist is to ensure that the right gear is being put in the right placed so that the gear has the opportunity to prove its capabilities and improve. Of course the machinist has to ensure that every gear is happy with the overall system and the specific roles that they play in maintaining the system. Diplomacy and Charisma plays an important role in maintaining morale. He must also be flexible as problems of different complications and magnitudes are bound to appear, each requiring a unique solution respectively.

The machinist has to make sure that every gear knows what it is supposed to do, takes pride in doing it, and be happy working with other gears as well. The most capable machinist brings the best out of the gears in his systems in working together. He cultivates the abilities of his gears such that the gears themselves will one day be capable enough to be an important gear, and even another machinist.

Easier said than done
Points mentioned above are the basic requirements a gear and a machinist must have to operate. There is no one size fit all specifics for the gear and machinist as different systems call for different combinations of capabilities and responsibilities. Many problems happen when roles of gears and machinist are not fulfilled effectively. A machinist may be so focused at a particular connection of gears that other gears may be neglected; A machinist may have lacked certain qualities that the specific system requires; or the machinist chose the wrong gears for the wrong purposes. Countlesss permutations of difficulties may happen from the machinist and gears and affect the whole operating system.

One of the qualities required to preempt problems coming would be far-sightedness and flexibility of the machinist. He will see possible problems and solve them resolutely before they snowball to uncontrollable proportions. He will also be flexible and patient to listen to criticisms and improve the system accordingly.

Both machinist and gears are by far no easy roles in different aspects as each of them play a role in the whole system. Any missing parts will cause problems, one way or another, differing in magnitude and complications.

Be it as the gear, or the machinist, do the best we can to fulfill the roles and responsibilities. Respect and take pride in our roles, no matter how big or small it might be. Be humble and learn from everyone in the team. Stand proud and do the best we can to earn the respect of others. Always remember, respect is to be earned through hard work and dedication towards every single task given to you.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lessons to learn

Im sure the Aware saga has caused much hype in the local news. Ive definitely learnt much from this incident, on managing and leading an organization, transparency, responsibility, welfare, respect, and understanding.

Words of wisdom by the DPM puts it across aptly...

"Well, I think all sides should take away the right lessons from this and focus on wanting to serve the community and do your best.
I think there will always be differences in society; it is a question of whether we can deal with them in a sensible way, learn how to accept one another's differences and still work together for the good of the society. There are people in our society with different views and if we push them too hard, there will be a push back from the other side. You are not going to resolve some of these differences because they are strongly held and you risk polarising the society if you push too hard.
I think if you believe that what you are doing is right, well, live a good life, do good work and persuade people by how you work and live rather than pushing your ideas in a much more pushy way.
I think there are ways where we can engage with society and still live with our differences."

Food for thought. To myself, remember this and learn from it. :)

oh and exams over!!!

time to start burning some fats!!!

and time to channel all my energy to RAG, FLAG, SCAMP!!!!!


Friday, April 10, 2009

The crossroads of life

This is the time of his life.

23 years old,
Chemistry major,
passionate about his dreams,
determined of his goals,
yet uncertain about the paths in his life.

Ironic. But that is life.

He looks back.
A past so dark he would forever hide.
Yet from darkness within springs new hope, new determination.
A blinding light from his unwavering soul.

He hurls himself into the fray of life.
Healing old wounds, breaking new boundaries
Forming new bonds, cherishing old comrades.
Relooking into his past, while searching for his future.

So now he stands,
At yet another crossroad in life.
A decision that would alter his fate.
A chance to carve out his own future.

As the wheels of time turn,
The winds of change blows.
Which will be his destined path?
Or has the decision already been destined upon?

For his passion,
For his dreams,
For his goals,
For his future, he strives on.

With the promise he made to himself,
and the spirit that lives on within.
He shall never give up.
He will always move forward.

The future may not be certain.
But his heart is true.
He believes in his path,
And nothing will stand in his way.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


ahahah...amidst all this hustle bustle stress...i chanced upon an interesting and quirky quote which might help me in the future. so here it goes:

when you are sad, dont be sad, be awesome instead

LOL. wth is it...but it sorta makes some sense. No point brooding, worrying, stressing out cuz it will not tantamount to doing anything instead of wasting time and energy being negative.....



For my goals and dreams, fight on!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Into the caves..

Yes i am rapidly becoming a hard-core mugger. Any free time i have i want to study, majority of the time my mind is on some chemistry phenomenon or whats my next thing to do. It tiring and lonely to be a mugger. Everyday i spend all my free slots in the library, flipping through books, reading notes, doing questions.

How i wish i can step out of the world again and make a difference to other people's lives...but i realised if i cant even take care of my own life...i can forget about stepping out. Hence the strong determination to get my inner world, and my grades back in order.

My dreams have not faltered. It has indeed gotten further with my poor grades ive accumulated over the past 3 semesters, but i am never one who gives up. Thats why the determination to get a CAP5.0. And to freaking do it..i have no choice but to bear the pain of loneliness and anti-social behaviour....sighz...i can feel my social skills being leached away in the library.

This will just be a passing phase. I will do it and i will achieve my dreams of being on the frontiers of scientific development. I will beat this system and carve out a road that belongs to my own. And as i lay in recluse.... wait for me, my friends and the world out there...when im ready ill step out once again and take the world by storm!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Pace of Life

Finally, my life has started to slow itself down relative to last year. I can finally spend precious time with my loved one, my family, my friends, and myself. I can study in peace and focus on my goals in life. Wanted to blog about the wonders of chemistry but i guess its for another time...

After a hectic year i realised the importance of finding time for myself. It has always been deadline after another, events back to back, schedule fully packed..there was never a time set for myself to do....nothing - just sit back, smell the roses in the path of life, observe my surroundings, and look deep into myself.

I remember back then i really had time to walk parks, sit quietly on benches, watching clouds roll by, reflecting on my life. Although being on the forefront of leadership and discovery is always what ive dreamt of, i realised that time spent alone with myself is important too. Too often was i stucked in a whirlpool of duties, responsibilities, and tasks that i have lost track of my inner world.

So now ive always balance my time and energy to different aspects of life. Each part plays an important role to maintaining my overall well-being and i should always seek a balance in life. Remember that.

"To be bored is to stop reacting to the external world, and to explore the internal one. It is in these times of reflection that people often discover something new, whether it is an epiphany about a relationship or a new theory about the way the universe works. Granted, many people emerge from boredom feeling that they have accomplished nothing. But is accomplishment really the point of life? There is a strong argument that boredom - so often parodied as a glassy-eyed drooling state of nothingness - is an essential human emotion that underlies art, literature, philosophy, science and even love."
-The Joy of Boredom by Carolyn Johnson