Tuesday, April 15, 2008


A few days ago, i chanced upon an interview on tv at CNA. It was an interview with some guy who has done research on "Happiness" and is going to give a talk about it. It was only a brief ten minute talk, but what ive gotten back was words of wisdom that will probably last a lifetime.

So, what is really is happiness? The problem with so many people is that they place the wrong perspective and measure on their happiness. How many times have u heard someone say "ill be happy if i can have...." many times followed by superficials like money, or power, or a car etc...

Actually, happiness is always within our reach, just that we are blinded by so many thing around us in life that we failed to notice what really matters. Sit down, think, recall, feel....what really, truly makes u happy? When you've got one thing, keep questioning and imagining that if u really have it, will it truly make u happy deep down?

After much thought, i realised...ive always been bogged down by grades, responsibilities, schoolwork, pressures from almost everywhere...and somehow lost sight of what matters the most, my own true happiness. Ive been busy adjusting to everyone's needs, answering to everyone else's problems that i have neglected myself.

What truly makes me happy inside...is spending quality time with someone i love,my brothers, my friends and my family. Those are the times i feel free...and just be myself. I love to have some quiet time by myself, taking walks...admiring the beauty of nature...and pursuing wisdom and knowledge. Chemistry's still my passion and i always derive fun learning it, you hardly hear me complaining about chemistry :)

With all those in mind, i shall not let other things in life get to me and bogged me down. Life is out there waiting for me to live upon. I will step out, live life, and be happy.

Happiness is a choice. Half empty or half-full, its really up to u to decide, aint it?

May whoever's reading it have some food for thought and find what truly makes u happy.

And to Dingli of the future, may you have found your happiness and stay true to it.

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